Fitness Training Is Much More Than Science

One of the things that has really stalled the fitness movement in my humble opinion is the focus on details, science, "evidence-based" instructions, etc. For many organizations—and especially those in higher education—it has become more important to know the science than it is to help clients and institutions change. Science has become the master, results seem to be ignored.

For example, we have more exercise scientists, university graduate programs and certified exercise and nutrition credential professionals per capita than any place in the world. Plus more federal and state $$ invested in health promotion/disease prevention.

Yet we lead the world in chronic, degenerative disease.  Yet as a population we are among the world leaders in obesity and chronic disease.

It’s not how much you know and can regurgitate about the science of exercise and nutrition that counts. It’s what healthy changes can you motivate clients and their organizations to accomplish that will make a real difference. Therefore, the "not-science" of personal empowerment, busting stinkin'-thinkin' patterns, esteem enhancement, overcoming limited thinking, self-defeating patterns, positive affirmations, laughter and fun are essential tools to changing habits and enhancing adherence.

I believe fitness training is more an art than a science. So is coaching. 

© Health Designs International, 2017