The Intellectual Incest of the Sickness-care Industry

"You wouldn’t want your doctor to do your job. Why are you trying to do hers?" 

The idea is to buy a prescription drug for your heartburn, not try to do what you can to prevent it from happening in the first place.

So what is “a doctor’s job”? To take care of you? What part of “taking care of you” is yours and what is the doctor's? Can a doctor—or anyone—take care of you better than you can take care of yourself? 

We Were Designed To Move. Let's Get Moving! 

Are you as tired of losing the fight against obesity—and its repercussions—as I am?

 Let's do something about it. 

Read my five-point call to action, and join me in agitating for change at the grassroots level.

If the primary person responsible for your health and well-being is you, where are you going to learn how to do it? From your family of origin? What if they don’t know? What if they are passing on the confusion passed on to them by their adult role models?  

What if "chronic disease" is, in reality, a family systems distress pattern? What we learn as kids, we practice. What we practice we become. What we become has consequences.   

What if our current generations are depending on a model of well-being manufactured by special interests dedicated to co-dependency and addictive behaviors? What if our health institutions are not about health at all? What if they are about responding to dis-ease? Is the human race ready to disengage from a co-dependent sickness-care relationship with the established sickness-care industry? Who dares to challenge the status quo? 

What are “evidence-based solutions”? What if research only perpetuates demand for more evidence with little commitment to solutions?   

What if those seeking evidence have become an industry itself? What if the hierarchy of health authority has become those whose intention is to generate more questions than answers? What if they are trained to seek no solutions, only more questions, in the name of “science”? 

Solutions deprive them of their existence and social worth. Solutions threatened the industry.

They are never burden by accountability, to stand responsible for their findings— only to work between the answers, seeking more and more marginal questions.  Applications of findings escape their vision. Solutions threaten their future. 

They band together in intellectual incest, seeking a new language to describe what the ancients put to bed centuries ago:  Move, sweat, experience self-induced fatigue and then the glory of strength, endurance, and balance of mind, body and spirit.   

Mens sana in corpore sano.

© Health Designs International, 2017