Under Development (and Wraps): Da Coach Krunch

You're a great role model.  Seriously, at least on Skype. You look lean, fit, bright eyed...and you're no kid.

When people ask me what they can do for a spouse or loved one who isn't with "the program" (i.e., fat, slow, hurting, aching, poor bowel response, body odor, belches a lot, food on hairy chest that fell out of mouth, etc.), I say detach, and model the desired behavior. Isn't that profound! It doesn't change the partner very often, but it makes you feel much better.

But still the best antidote for a friend or loved one who is slowly degenerating into a tub of adipose (fat) is, "Don't do what I say, do what I do!"  After all, example remains the best teacher.

Case in point: Yesterday, you and I were engaged in about a 40-minute high level Skype business meeting discussing how to manage our foreign investments and other trivia. I was seated at my desk on the Sea of Cortez making copious notes on your enlightened comments and something strange and uncomfortable began to sweep over me. I was feeling small. Then I realized you were standing, not sitting.  Hey, why didn't I think of that?


I thought: "Where do you find time to exercise during business meetings?"

Then I could tell you were doing some kind of exercise (with an elastic band, I think). That really pissed me off. Where do you find time to exercise during business meetings? Where's your friggin' dedication, man? We are doing important stuff here, and you're not listening to my pearls of wisdom?! How can we beat the competition? You're not taking this seriously. Your bored, distracted, etc.

Then, the final stage of my progression into reality: Good, old, all-American guilt!  

Shoot, the dude is doing what anyone with any brains has to do if they want to survive in a hypokinetic environment (a world requiring little or no body movement).  You're moving more than your tongue. That's good for the rest of you.  

Our bodies are designed to move more, eat less. But our brains are conditioned to tell us, "Okay, but not now for God's sake! Besides, we went to the gym a few weeks ago."

When I realized all this was happening, I elected to wait until after our Skype concluded. Didn't want to show my cards while we were still discussing business. Besides, nobody likes copy-cats.  

But when the session concluded I went nuts and, let me tell you buddy, I did more sit-ups and push in one hour than you did all week.  So there...

But I'll tell you something else, old buddy, our next Skype will be different. I would like to take my laptop into my home gym. You would be psyched out by all my equipment. But I can't pick-up the internet in there. Too much iron, I imagine.

This leads me to the real purpose of this blog. Immediately following our Skype episode, I had a (SCO) "Spontaneous Cerebral Occurrence." It came first as a blurred vision. Then, with tears in my eyes, I realized it was a new, never-before- seen exercise. It was a rush, I nearly fainted.  

Coming soon to a workout near you:
Da Coach Krunch, which builds strength in the all major muscle groups except the calf (working on that) and forearms

As I stood up from my computer, it just happened! (It may have been divine intervention. You think?) SHAMZAM! Just like that came "Da Coach Krunch" (not to be confused with "crunches" which, as you know, are already widely practiced).

Dude, this one is going to blow you away! I can't go into the details because we're not that confident about Internet security down here (or anywhere for that matter).  If the enemy gets this, we are in deep doo-doo.  

However, I will say this: It is strength building and aerobics in a single exercise. It builds strength in the all major muscle groups except the calf muscle (working on that) and forearms. It's a "Wonder Workout" for the quads, glutes, low back, shoulders, chest and triceps. It can be done anywhere, in any apparel, anytime.  Suit and tie, no problem. Nude as a jaybird, no problem.

And second best: With a little adjustment, it can provide a wonderful activity for heart and lungs.

For the best of all! It is perfect for deconditioned people 40 plus. In fact, the older your are, the better it works! (I must add that the older you are, almost any exercise works if you're a couch potatoes).

I was hoping you would put this on our site as a blog. You know, to sort of prime the pump. I think they call it "pre-sale" in the business world. But I would rather you just delete this message immediately after reading...can't be too careful with all the cyper-snoops these days!

Da Coach
a.k.a. Inventer of Da Coach Krunch!

P.S. Should we apply for a trademark?

© Health Designs International, 2017